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Amended November 2nd, 2019




“We pledge that as members of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, we, above all others shall set a good example and never bring dishonor to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, our fraternity or ourselves. We pledge that we will support our brethren in the Widows Sons regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin, and will never knowingly bring reproach upon a fellow brother of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. We pledge to combat any forces, which would seek to undermine or bring reproach on the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association or its members, and we shall always strive to bring respect and dignity to the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. We will remain ever mindful of and act according to the Charge we received upon being raised as a Master Mason.”



Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Alaska Grand Chapter, and hereafter referred to in these bylaws as the Association.


Section 1. This Association is for Freemasons who are motorcycle enthusiasts desiring fellowship with brethren who share a common interest. The goal is to raise Masonic awareness and support our Blue Lodges through active attendance and by assisting in and attending lodge events and activities. The Association is a not-for-profit organization.


Section 2. This Association is the parent chapter for all Alaska based Widows Sons Affiliated Chapters and shall have jurisdiction over membership of any and all Alaska based Affiliated Chapters.



Section 1. Full membership in the Association is open to any Master Mason, who is a motorcycle owner and enthusiast, in good standing in the records of their Blue Lodge, if that lodge is recognized by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska. Master Masons seeking membership must submit a petition with applicable fees to an Executive Board member for the Board’s consideration and approval. Each full member of the Association shall have equal rights and privileges in connection with attending meetings and participation in the deliberations of such meetings. Full members may sponsor an Entered Apprentice (EA) or Fellowcraft (FC) Mason from their Blue Lodge. Sponsored EAs and FCs may submit a petition with applicable fees to an Executive Board member for consideration. If their petition is approved, these individuals will be considered Provisional members until they have attained the degree of Master Mason and qualify as full members. They may not wear the Widows Sons patch. Provisional members will be responsible for the payment of active member dues and will be bound by all sections of the bylaws, except they will not have a vote in chapter business. The Association may elect to extend “retired” status to full members who are no longer able to operate a motorcycle. At the annual communication, an elected officer of the Association may submit the name or names of members for consideration for “retired” status. To be eligible for consideration the member(s) must be a full member in good standing. Approval of “retired” status must be by the unanimous vote of the members in attendance. Retired members retain the rights and benefits of full membership except they may not hold any elected office. Members must remain in good standing in the records of their Blue Lodge and must be current in their Association dues at the time of the annual communication, or they will be dropped from the membership rolls. The Executive Board or the membership at the annual communication may also drop a member from the rolls for cause, such as inactivity in Association rides or no longer maintaining residency in Alaska.


Section 2. The elected Officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Guardian of Membership and Sergeant at Arms. The office of the Guardian of Membership may be held by the Sergeant at Arms or the Secretary. These officers comprise the Executive Board of the Association, with the President acting as Chairman. If affiliate chapters of the Association are established, the President of each affiliated chapter shall also be a member of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall act in the name of the Association for all business, including but not limited to approving petitions for membership, the establishment of affiliate chapters, and set membership fees and dues. The terms of office shall be two years. In the event an elected officer position becomes vacant, the Executive Board may appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacancy until the next annual meeting, at which time an election will be held.


Section 3. The President shall enforce all provisions of the bylaws, preside over all Association meetings, and approve the withdrawal of funds from the accounts of the Association.


Section 4. The Vice-President, in the absence of the President, shall preside and perform all duties pertaining to the office of the President, and render such assistance as may be required.


Section 5. The Secretary shall maintain the minutes and records of all meetings of the Association and provide notice to the members of all meetings. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Secretary may withdraw funds from the accounts of the Association, upon approval of the President and the membership.


Section 6. The Treasurer is responsible for all financial assets of the Association. The Treasurer shall countersign all checks for the withdrawal of funds from the accounts of the Association and together with the President, shall exercise joint custody and control over stocks, bonds, securities and other assets of the Association, upon approval of the membership. The Treasurer shall provide a financial report at the Association’s annual meeting.


Section 7. The Guardian of Membership shall maintain the rolls of the members, collecting any fees or dues payments, and delivering those funds to the Treasurer. The Guardian of Membership shall also ensure all members remain in good standing in the records of their home lodge.


Section 8. The Sergeant at Arms shall make sure that the bylaws are respected, that peace and harmony prevail at all Association functions and that the intentions of the Association are carried out in the best interest of the members. When participating in group rides outside of Alaska, the Sergeant at Arms will assist the President in ensuring appropriate notifications are made to area Motorcycle Clubs as may be necessary.


Section 9. The appointed officers of the Association shall be a Chaplain, a Road Captain, and an Activity Director. The Road Captain is responsible for setting up runs and the Activity Director is responsible for all fund-raising activity. Road Captains and Activity Directors may be appointed by the President for the different regions of Alaska as needed.




Section 1. The Association will hold an annual communication (meeting) each November to discuss business matters of the Association. Officers will be elected on even-numbered years and installed at the conclusion of the annual meeting. The time, date, and location of the annual meeting will be announced to the members by the President at least one month in advance. Three members of the Executive Board and three full members shall constitute a quorum at the annual meeting.


Section 2. Executive Board business meetings may be called by the President throughout the year as needed, with due notice to the Board members. Four members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum at Executive Board meetings.


Section 3. To promote the purpose of the Association, there shall be at least one long-distance group ride each riding season. The annual group ride should be a distance of at least 300 miles or involve travel outside Alaska. Local rides may be scheduled by Road Captains who wish to plan such a ride. Members of the Association shall endeavor to participate in all rides, but more especially the annual group ride. Members of the Association should also endeavor to participate in activities hosted by the Alaska Coalition of Clubs members.


Section 4. Challenge Rides, which will allow participants the chance to earn the Association’s coveted Challenge Coin, will be designated as such by the President. At his discretion, the President, or his designee, may present a Challenge Coin to Challenge Ride participants he deems are entitled.


Section 5. The rules of order of the Masonic Code of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska shall be the principal guide in the conduct of all Association meetings and events. All conversations and discussions about Association or Masonic matters brought up during meetings must stay within the organization.




Section 1. All members must own and operate a legally licensed (for street use) motorcycle of at least 500cc. Exceptions to engine displacement size may be granted by the Executive Board on a case-by-case basis. All members must also possess a current motorcycle operators endorsement.


Section 2. Motorcycles must be kept in legal and safe operating conditions during the riding season. Any member operating an unsafe motorcycle or operating in an unsafe manner may be excluded from group rides for the safety of other riders.


Section 3. If a current active member disposes of his motorcycle, he will be granted a period of 12 months to acquire another. If at the end of the 12 months he has not acquired another motorcycle of at least 500cc he must resign his membership, unless he is eligible for and granted “retired” status.




Section 1. The Secretary will issue an “Alaska Grand ChapterWidows Sons” patch and a US/AK flag patch(s) to all eligible members upon receipt of applicable initiation fees and completion of a challenge ride, branding ceremony, or Road Captain scheduled rides, and by a vote of the elected officers. Additional logo patches may be purchased by eligible members from the Guardian of the Membership. The Widows Son logo patch will be worn on the upper center of the back of the wearer’s jacket or vest. No other patches will be worn on the back of the jacket or vest.


Section 2. A U. S. Flag, with an Alaska flag patch just below, or a combination US/AK flag, will be worn on the front left breast of the wearer’s jacket or vest. 


Section 3. A Master Mason Square and Compass patch or Past Master patch (as appropriate) may be worn on the front of the wearer’s jacket or vest.


Section 4. The Widows Sons logo patch may only be attached to a leather or cloth vest or jacket. The logo patch and clothing must be kept in good order to protect the image of the Association and Masonry in general. Grand Chapter members will wear gold-bordered patches. The Widows Sons logo patch will have red lettering on a black background. Clothing bearing the Widows Sons logo will be worn when riding in Association events, attending Association functions, or when participating in other motorcycle related functions or events. Such clothing may also be worn to Masonic functions when appropriate.


Section 5. All members joining the Association during the calendar year of 2006 will be entitled to wear a “Founding Member” patch.​




Section 1. Initiation fees and annual dues will be set by the Association’s Executive Board at the annual communication.




Section 1. Members may choose to petition the Executive Board of the Association to establish an Affiliated Chapter of the Association. At a minimum, the petition must include the Chapter’s bylaws and a roster of officers and members. Procedures for establishing an affiliated chapter are prescribed by the National Director of the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, Northern Jurisdiction.


Section 2. Each Affiliated Chapter shall have the same number of officers as the Alaska Grand Chapter, with the same authority over its Chapter as the Grand Officers have over the Association.


Section 3. In order to become an Affiliated Chapter, each officer and member of the petitioning Chapter must meet the same membership requirements as those necessary to be a member of this Association.


Section 4. Initiation fees and annual dues for members of Affiliate Chapters will be set by the Chapter’s Executive Board at their annual communication.




Section 1. In the event the Association disbands, all of its funds, books, paper, and other properties shall be surrendered to the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska.


Section 2. The Association has the sole authority to suspend or revoke an Affiliate Chapter of the Association. In the event an Affiliate Chapter is suspended or revoked, all of its funds, books, paper, and other properties shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Association, who shall hold them for reorganization. If no reorganization occurs within a period of two (2) years, such funds shall be transferred to the Association.




Section 1. Amendments to these bylaws may only be made at the Association’s annual meeting with the approval of three-fourths vote (3/4) of the members present at the meeting. Amendments must be submitted to the Association Grand Secretary no less than two weeks before the commencement of the annual meeting. The Grand Secretary will then distribute the proposed amendments to all members at least one week before the meeting.

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