About the Widows Sons
The Grand Chapter of Alaska Widows Sons began in Juneau Alaska in 2006 when (get some founding members) Master Masons desired to form a group of riders who were Masons and enjoyed riding together as Brothers. We received our Charter on the 24th of December 2006. The Alaska Grand Chapter is part of an International Association made up of Brothers from all over the world.
The Alaska Grand Chapter is an Independent and Sovereign Body of Master Masons in the Jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Alaska. Nobody or Individual other than the Alaska Grand Chapter President or Executive Board speaks for the Widows Sons of Alaska. In particular, the Alaska Grand Chapter disavows and repudiates any and all statements or presentations, to include e-mails and websites, produced by any person or entity not authorized or recognized by the Alaska Grand Chapter Executive Board, regarding the Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. This action establishes the sovereignty of the Widows Sons within Alaska from any and all outside regulatory influence.
Our goals are to:
Introduce the sport of motorcycling to our Masonic Brothers
Raise Masonic Awareness in the world of motorcycling
Support the Blue Lodge through regular attendance, and assisting with or attending lodge events.
Grand Chapter Alaska Widows has no official charity. Our members are free to support any charity they wish, and while there is no requirement, most all of our members remain actively involved in many charities. While we wear identifying patches or regalia, the Widows Sons are not a motorcycle club. We are a Masonic motorcycle riders group. We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times. The Widows Sons serve as a Masonic Booster Club by helping to raise Masonic Awareness while we attend public motorcycling events, and by supporting our Blue Lodges in whatever capacity we are able. Widows Sons chapters have helped to increase Masonic membership through our presence and visibility during public motorcycle events and rallies.
The Widows Sons were conceived of and founded by Brother Carl Davenport PM, in the year 2000. Today we have active chapters throughout many States in the USA, Canada, and abroad.